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How to Change Subconscious Thinking
when stuck in negative thoughts & old stories

Helena Green teaches you how to change subconscious thinking and empowers you to overcome limiting beliefs - those stories about yourself that block you in relationships, your career and within yourself.

Most people have entrenched negative thoughts about themselves that were developed from various experiences over time. A number of them are hidden so are difficult to remove. These ‘tail-enders’ are basically the doubts expressed by the little voice inside your head that keep you confined. It’s the voice that says “yes but; yeah, right” when you decide to be or do something different to improve your life. 

Limiting beliefs fall into reoccurring groups, i.e. not good enough, not loveable, not deserving, not safe or loss of identity. All the characteristics that make you human may be seen as flaws. 

These beliefs may sound (in your head or out loud) like this - 

“Who am I to make that amount of money…”

“That might be possible for you but not for me.”

“I don’t deserve to get that…”

“Anxiety runs in my family so …”

“I will never be fit or attractive or healthy enough to …” and so, and so on.

You breathe life into these limiting beliefs each and every time you feel/ think about them. In this way your present becomes your future. So, to change subconscious thinking, it is important to recognize tail-enders and deal with them. Two effective modalities that deal with the subconscious directly include Clinical Meridian Tapping (EFT) and Compassionate Inquiry Approach.

Some of the ways that these negative thoughts show up personally & in relationships include - 

  • social anxiety - avoidance of getting out of the house
  • performance issues - test anxiety, athletic achievement, career limitations & relationship problems, including sexuality
  • physical pain & disease
  • self esteem
  • quality of life

Deep Listening. Clarity. Sustainable Solutions.


Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling

Registered Professional Counsellor

Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner

Certified Energy & Somatic Psychology 
(EFT) Practitioner

phone:(403) 986-0106
email: helenahgreen@gmail.com

Counselling for the Health of It
Red Deer, Alberta

We acknowledge that we work on Treaty 7 land and on the traditional territories of the Métis and Treaty 6, 7 and 8 people whose footsteps have marked these lands for generations.

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EFT Certified Practitioners
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